среда, 29. август 2012.

Why my life sucks and why i started believing God exist (This sounds like an emo-religious-freak blog. It's not. I hope so.)

Hello, anybody drunk enough to read this. I'm agnostic since i was... 12? And until now i was pretty satisfied with my decision. I can't believe in something i've never seen, but i still think there must be something bigger than this world. If there isn't, then we're just fucked. But, from today i believe there's something out there (ok, ok... God.) No, don't freak out, this is not one of those religious freak blogs, I won't try to save your soul/make you sacrifice an animal on your bed. No, this is, for now, a self-pity blog. I believe God exist becouse there is NO WAY that these things are happening to me by coincidence. What things? These things:
-Being on a constant bloody diet and gaining kilograms
-Finaly finding perfect pair of pants (if you think it's easy, it's not, because a) I don't wear pants, i'm a skirt and dresses kind of girl, and b) they are Zara black jeans with a black velvet baroque pattern) and leaving them on the cash register for 5 FREAKING MINUTES while i went to get my money from the bank (they were REALLY expensive. "Sell you kidney and still can't buy them" expensive. It important because, as you might have already guessed, something will happen to them) and when i got back, i bought them, everythings fine... but when i got back home it turned out they accidentally swiched them. For the smallest number. Ok, mistakes happen, i call the shop, and they tell me to come back tomorrow to swich them. So i come back, and they tell me all the 36es were sold. In a day. Ok, no big deal, i'll just wait for a few day until their shipment of clothes comes. And I waited, and called, and yes, the clothes are there... all exept my pants.
-Liking a guy after a long, LONG time, and being rejected on the worst possible way (*annoying teenage voice* he was nice and charming and he made me laugh... No really, i have pretty bad experience with love. Pretty bad. And after 3 YEARS i actually liked someone. I'm not a snorlax forever alone, I'm picky. For days he repeated how much he likes me, how great i am, and i usually wouldn't believe but he's kind of a perfect boyfriend prototype, and just when i letted my guard down, he fell in love with his best friend's girlfriend. Who friendzoned him. Haha.)
Beside that i can't even go to the kitchen without cutting myself (i was pouring juice and now i have 3 stiches on my hand. It's possible.), i fell while walking in my own apartment, and an angry pigeon attacted me while i was going to the shop. I guess the old man is lying on a fluffy cloud up there, poing a finger on me and laughing (Nelson Muntz from the Simpsons laugh). But, i'm an optimist, i've always been an optimist (i think being a pesimist is  a luxury i can't afford.), and i'm finding things to be happy about. So sitting in my bathtub and reading Elle is good enough for me. I've decided not to go out in the next couple of days, i like living too much. My best friend Kristina's todays party is an exeption. She's throwing a barbeque by the river on her raft, and her friends the musicians (she's a pianist) are coming with a guitar and boose. It's gonna be aaaawesomeee (read it in high piched voice, that's how i say it). And my friend Sara is coming tonight, so we'll probobly vegetate and watch Moulin Rouge for the 100th time until 3 am, as per usual. Maybe today won't be that bad :)) And the highlight is just sitting here and browsing fashion magasines with my favourite cousin. I love you little bug <3
Stay tuned guys :) or just get sober. Seriously.

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